These relationships and dimensions of liberation are all spiritual insofar as “to know God is to do justice,” a prominent understanding of the Hebrew prophets and Jesus of Nazareth.
Author Archive: Solidarity Uganda

Total Liberation Model
Created by Phil Wilmot (mistakes are mine), but derived from Gustavo Gutierrez’s work on Liberation Theology
On Not Being an Orphanage: Development(‘s History) vs./and Liberation
What if development, as we knew it, was inherently bad? I have not written on this blog for quite awhile, because I was reading. It was the first book I have read since college, and it was a dense, long-winded one: Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez’s “A Theology of Liberation.” Gutierrez’s basic argument is that truly Christian […]
Making Peace by Not Doing: Good Slacktivism
“What do you do?” is typically the second question anybody asks you, if you are over the age of 20. We are socialized to formulate a response relating to our professional career, workplace position title, or place of employment, which are usually indicative of our socio-economic status. We have allowed what we do from 9 […]
Responding to a Dream
I would have never imagined God speaking to me through a dream. Nor would I have ever trusted anyone telling me God spoke to them through a dream. So out of fairness, feel free to disregard the entire story below. I have no credible evidence, nor even a desire to prove that what I’m about […]